What is this?

I’m slowly reaching the end of my 20’s and I’ve gathered some thoughts that would’ve helped a younger me feel better and achieve more. Obviously, I can’t help a younger me, but I can help you.

This weekly email serves to provide you ideas on how you can live a healthier and more optimized life in your 20’s. Some are pretty straightforward, but many will require you to explore your mind and your past experiences. Whatever it is, I’d like you to take what you can and try your best to achieve your greatest being. It’s worth it.

About me

My name is Arun and I'm a 4th-year medical student at King's College London. I'm also a certified personal trainer and fitness photographer.

Connect with me on InstagramTwitter or YouTube for more!

Subscribe to Arun's Newsletter

Subscribe for personal reflections on improving our health, crushing our self-limitations, and living purposefully in our 20's.


Medical student, fitness photographer and personal trainer passionate about unlimiting our minds to lose weight, feel better, and achieve more.